Australian Post Codes

Australian Post Codes : Cpt Codes Reimbursement

Australian Post Codes

    australian post

  • Australia Post is the trading name of the Australian Government-owned Australian Postal Corporation (formerly the Australian Postal Commission).


  • A system of words, letters, figures, or other symbols substituted for other words, letters, etc., esp. for the purposes of secrecy
  • (code) a set of rules or principles or laws (especially written ones)
  • attach a code to; “Code the pieces with numbers so that you can identify them later”
  • (code) a coding system used for transmitting messages requiring brevity or secrecy
  • A system of signals, such as sounds, light flashes, or flags, used to send messages
  • A series of letters, numbers, or symbols assigned to something for the purposes of classification or identification

australian post codes

australian post codes – Code of

Code of Honor (Australian Destiny)
Code of Honor (Australian Destiny)
They were sailing toward an untamed land of limitless riches, but their dreams seemed to demand a sacrifice of the CODE OF HONOR
Turn-of-the-century Australia holds one of the world’s most magnificent settings for this first book in the new Australian Destiny Series. Responding to an offer of indenture, Samantha Connolly and her sisters have attempted to escape a bleak future in Ireland by emigrating to Queensland. Circling half the globe, she discovers a land she never anticipated or desired yet her home is now oceans away!
Their master, sugar planter Cole Sloan, is embroiled in legal tangles and economic woes while trying to keep his plantation afloat. Samantha’s middle sister is fortunate to find a beau in the local preacher, and Samantha is drawn to Sloan. But callousness and unethical dealings have sullied the man or is he a victim of his past and present circumstances?
A magnificent first book in a saga born out of a nation of rogues, adventurers and dreamers

Redhill – On The Campaign Trail – Mar 2012 – Candid Portrait

Redhill - On The Campaign Trail - Mar 2012 - Candid Portrait
Always a difficult subject for a picture I finally caught this young woman when we were working together on the local Labour Party stall in Redhill High Street. This is my son’s Australian girlfriend, Anna, helping him on the campaign trail to this May’s Local Election’s in Reigate and Banstead. On this occasion we were collecting signatures for a petition against the Tories plans for changes to the NHS. (National Health Service for my American viewers)
The most interesting thing about an event like this where more than 400 people signed the petition in just over 2 hours was the chance to meet and talk to a whole cross-section of our society all of whom have major reservations about Conservatives running the NHS. Rightly so too. There is already too much of a post code lottery in this country as to the treatment you receive.
Any way Anna is a beautiful young woman and we love her dearly. She is also the best thing to have happened to him. We are keeping our fingers crossed.

The Melbourne GPO Military Band in 1899

The Melbourne GPO Military Band in 1899
This was taken from the cover of a copy of The Australian Band Leader and it states that T.E.Bulch is the conductor. However a descendant of Mr Bulch and others have stated that it is not Mr Bluch but probably E.T.Code (father of Percy) who was also a conductor of the band.

australian post codes

Codes of Power
This second spiritual novel sees Marcus, Joanna and Helen in Australia, seeking the Codes of Power mentioned in the sacred scroll from Atlantis. The scroll tells them that when Lemuria – the ancient civilisation that existed prior to and during Atlantis – sank, only the isolated Aboriginal peoples were saved. The blueprint for our planet was placed by them in Uluru (Ayers Rock) and the Aborigines today remain its caretaker. When the blueprint is revealed, the Codes of Power will be understood – but first the characters must pass an initiation fraught with danger and exitement…In adventure form, Diana’s second spiritual novel explores the spiritual wisdom and darkness of the Aboriginal culture, the effects of their right brain dominance, the higher spiritual reason why the Aborigines were invaded by Europeans, and ties Aboriginal dreaming in with the myths of other cultures. When enough people have been initiated into the Codes of Power, the planet’s blueprint will come to fruition. This book offers that initiation.



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